Friday, September 12, 2008

Long Overdue: Immigration Reform

Wednesday, August 25, 2008


We must not repeat the errors of the 80’s when an amnesty program proved to be a dismal failure. Current proposals all lack the teeth required and provide only a “wink” and lip service. Pseudo enforcement tactics employed the past thirty five plus years is only causing mistrust and disgust by the general public. Blame is currently misdirected at those poor people who are only trying to  escape poverty caused by their own corrupt governments.  Our own government is equally at fault for not properly funding and enforcing rules and regulations for entry and visitations. When the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement  Agency (ICE) tries to be innovative more dismal failure occurs such as the recent voluntary exit program that yielded  168 calls and eight actual departures costing the taxpayers $41,000.


To avoid the Reagan calamity we need to examine how we can effectively police illegal entries as well as overstays (Which must be deemed a felony and punished accordingly). Perhaps we need to remove this responsibility from the INS where some thirty or so years ago they asked aliens to quit registering annually as advertised by TV announcements for they at that time were seven years behind recording the annual registrations. (My Canadian wife was so told) Obviously  there is a sever problem in that agency with either under funding or management or some combination of both.


Thus, one quick way to get a hold of the illegal stays & entries is to offer a bounty to licensed bounty hunters who would be supervised by the US Marshals office for lets say $500 per head. Public service announcements could be televised by the US Marshal offices requesting tips from the public. An incentive would be an award of a refundable  $100 income tax credit for each nabbed violators. How else can we make a dent in reducing the estimated 12 million currently in our midst?


At the same time laws must be passed that would fine any employer who does not follow new identification requirements of  all employees the sum of $20,000 per individual violation. Prospective employees would be required to have a Digitalized  Identification Card  (DIC)  if they  can not present a birth certificate issued by any state of the USA or other Certificate of Alienation issued by INS. This  work requirement  would also be required for all current employees within six months of enactment.


The DIC tamperproof card would have a digital photo with digitized iris scans and fingerprint that could be read like a credit card. It would upon hire be transmitted to the Department of Labor and Social Security Administration for verification of guess worker status. The Card would have a unique number such as Gxx-xx-xxx1. It would display the expiration date as well.


A Guess Worker Program (GWP) would be adopted whereby all functions and monitoring  guest worker status would be privatized. Compensation for this services would be designed around an incentive program that would insure that follow up by Head Hunters Agency (HHA) are following the dictates of the GWP. This could be in the form of  a $3000 employment fee paid by Employers who submits an order to a HHA and the sharing of the employees portion of Medicare and FICA taxes withheld from GW. Large Employers could assign personnel to work with any HHA foreign office to help expedite and screen favorable applicants


In Mexico, where an estimated 90% of all GW will come from, an employee has 1.5%  social security taxes withheld compared to 7.65% US and an addition 7.65% paid by employer. This  15.3% tax could be split with  5% remitted to HHA after GW completes his satisfactory status the balance could be split between Mexican SS administration and the retuning guess worker upon completion of his status.  Furthermore $30 per month will be paid by either employee or employer monthly and remitted directly by employer to HHA.


Guest Worker Status (GWS) would be issued for permitted for no more than a five year term. They would be eligible for a restatement as a GW after returning home for a minimum of 5 years.   While they are in USA charitable institutions that want to improve the GW education would be encourage to educate them  so that they would have an minimum of a GED education with the aim of making them more productive citizens for the benefit of their homelands. Likewise, Employers will be required to notify HHA immediately upon termination. That Gw could work with HHA to find new employment within a 60 day period.


 HHA would be empowered to set up offices throughout Latin America (and Canada if program adopted by NAFTA) where they would be given guidelines for interviewing and screening GW and issuing the DIC documents needed for entry.


Current Illegals (who would be denied credit for any social security coverage  while in the “Illegal Status”) would not be barred from applying if recommended by existing employers and they had a clean record. All fees would have to be paid and the applicants returned to their respective homes where proof of citizenship there would need to be presented to the HHA.


All government employees and officials, along with any charitable organization who accepts any taxpayer funds would be required to request The DIC from anyone who they expect should be subject to the GWP. Profiling would be an acceptable tool and reasonable request for administering the provisions of this program. Any children born in the USA to couples where the parents are under this GWP would not be granted citizenship and any laws to the contrary would be null and void.


Any USA workers can file a complaint that they lost a job or prospect for the same to Department of Labor and will be offered employment doing equivalent work in a country that participant in this program. (The HHA foreign offices will need janitorial services, etc)


After this program is enacted the INS or their replacement will initiate the Conscription Status) CS for any caught illegals (both male & female regardless of age) into special units of our military to serve for 4 years at home or abroad doing tasks that befit their skill levels.


At the completion of their guess status HHA would submit GW names to  customs authorities before they exit this country. This notification in person act will be required to avoid surrender of withheld social security funds due them along with any income tax refunds. All other guess workers who didn’t comply with the exit requirement would have their names submitted to the draft boards for  conscription into a para-military group for service. Any unlocated  overstays not reporting for military duty immediately would have their names then turned over to the bounty hunters for capture and removal.  


While  under conscription they could receive additional education at some level to make them better citizens of their home countries upon termination of service. Upon completion of their 4 year conscription they would be graded on a numeric graded from zero to 99 with the cream of the crop awarded  with good references for fast track citizenship if they still seek opportunities in the US. Deportation for non-honorable duty acceptance would place them on a non-acceptable database file with iris scans and digitized fingerprints.


Perhaps national border respect could be gained by these conscripted illegals if they were assigned to build any fence on our southern border! Let them escape only to the south.


The State Department or agency that replacing INS should set up offices through out Latin America that would offer short seminars to would-be guess workers. They could be handed out tapes and other English learning educational materials. The program would stress the need to obey and respect local law enforcements authorities and highlight civic matters that guest should be aware of. These offices would work with the HHA’s  who would have quotas for  finding high quality guest workers. Follow-up evaluation of the respective offices must be monitored and evaluated periodically to make certain the program is running properly.


Large signs on the boarder in Spanish should forewarn  any new Illrgal arrivals about their upcoming four year conscription commitment. Perhaps the Mexican governments (which now expects the USA to operate their poverty program) will have to rewrite the pamphlets that now encourage illegal entry activity. Mexico must realize that we will never have an open border until their standard of life and culture is similar to ours.


 The Following is a quick Cost projection of this program.

Estimated Illegal Aliens:



year !


Less: Children under 16


Employer fees

 $ 18,000,000,000.00

       :  Unemployed Jail Etc









Required Agents:


currently employed



  Number per Day






  each office


Number that will Return Vol:


annual enrollment per off













number of offices






Revenue Per off

 $           48,000,000












Salaries Per Office






Rent, overhead & profits









Available for BH











year 2


Bounty Fees



Employer fees

 $  6,000,000,000








If Each BH had revenues of 100K


Required Agents:






  Number per Day


Tax credits  ($100 per)

 $ 200,000,000

  each office






annual enrollment per off













number of offices






Revenue Per off/new

 $           24,000,000





Payroll Tax 5%






  total rev


 $           40,000,000












Salaries Per Office






Rent, overhead & profits






Cost to Follow up in US




1 comment:

JIM LYNCH said...

Great Idea but who is listing!